Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Celexa Update (Already)

I'm still in the process of learning more about anxiety and depression symptoms & treatments. I just found out that SSRI's usually work in two to four weeks for depression but can take 8 to 12 for anxiety. Would have been nice to hear that from the doctors I worked with; they told me four weeks.

I bring this up because today started out a little shaky and got worse as time went on. I haven't had this much nervous tension in my chest for a couple weeks.

I'm glad I heard the 8-12 weeks figure or I might have been very discouraged by today.

I'm reading this fascinating book about how anxiety depression and other behaviors can be specifically linked to dysfunction in certain areas of the brain.

It seems to be written half to medical professionals and half to patients, but I'm glad, because it doesn't dumb things down and gives complete pros & cons to each treatment and medicine they discuss.

You can check it out here (audio) or here (old school)

I would love to have these scans done (there is a clinic in Tacoma - not too far from our house) but I suspect that they are not covered by insurance and cost a fortune. I'll just lay off the caffeine and keep exercising.

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